My Day

My Day is designed to handle your day to day workflow. From a braindump of ideas and meetings notes you can come back to later, through daily task management to planning.


All your tasks scheduled for today are automatically aggregated in My day for that day so you get a full overview of what's going on.

Use quick actions to sort out these tasks if you need to plan for sometime later. Agenda fully supports keyboard shortcuts for quick navigation and actions (arrows up and down to navigate, x for complete, d for delete, schedule for tomorrow r.


Similarly to agenda showing all scheduled tasks for today, you can toggle overdue panel to see all overdue tasks.



My Day is closely integrated with a timeline view of your tasks and 3rd party events. Here you can get an overview of what's going on in a visual way over multiple days and weeks with a quick navigation.


Timeline is syncable with 3rd party calendars like Google Calendar, Apple Calendar or using ICS Calendar.